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Children's Day at Hedebo Strand Camping 2018

All weeks are children's days here at the campsite, but week 27 is extra special. Here we celebrate our 50th anniversary by focusing on the children. Each day they can experience something very special, and today we have arranged:

Monday the 2nd of July at 10-14 treasure hunt

The children are divided into Group 1: the 2-6 year old at 10 to 11.30 o'clock. And Group 2: the 7-12 year old at 12-14 o'clock.

We make fun questions about the campsite, shape and colors, so the little ones can also be included. It is probably a good idea that parents or grandparents also participate :) Finally everyone gets a share of the treasure.

Sign up for the hunt by Bettina at the reception desk, who also would like to answer questions.

Monday 2nd July at 14-16 Make your own bracelet

Here big and small get the opportunity to make their own beautiful bracelet. The event takes place in the meeting room above the reception and costs DKK 30 for materials.
There is no registration, just turn up. But Bettina at the reception is happy to answer questions.