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Children's campsite North Jutland 2018

Like Frederikshavn, we celebrate our anniversary with a number of events during the season 2018. Amongst others we will celebrate children's week 27:

June 30th to July 7th Children's campsite in Denmark

Week 27 (30/6 - 7/7) will be children's week her at the campsite in Sæby. We arrange many activities for the youngest and there parents and grandparents. Bring 3 children for free this week - must be pre-booked. 

Programme children's week

Offer all week: Bring 3 children free of charge

All days at 9-12: Free adventure golf for children

Sat 30/6 at 9-11: 50th reception with breakfast in the cafe

Sat 30/6 at 13-15: Adventure golf tournament for everybody Ice cream, soft drinks (the cafeteria) and softice (grocery store) at half price

Sat 30/6 at 20-23: Anniversary party 2 with music from the 80s

Mon 2/7 at 10-14: Treasure hunt

Mon 2/7 at 14-16: Make your own bracelet. Price 30 DKK

Tues 3/7 at 14-15: Children's bingo game with parents and grandparents

Tues 3/7 at 18.30-20.30: Ladies Eve.

Wed 4/7 at 10-13: Draw competition for children

Thur 5/7 at 13-16: Children's Market. Sell your toys in the market tent.

Fri 6/7 at 13-16: Children's Olympics

Fri 6/7 at 17.30-20: OL party for the 2-12 year old

Sat 7/7 at 15-17: Paint a figure

Sat 7/7 at 19-23: Anniversary party 3. Soda festival and music for our teenagers